5 Last-Minute Romantic Ideas for Valentine’s Day

Make your loved one feel genuinely adored this year.

Have you messed up Valentine’s Day before? Disappointing your loved one is a horrible feeling.

And now, the most critical question, are you struggling to come up with any half-decent ideas this year?

Valentine’s Day can feel like a colossal pressure sometimes. We get that. Don’t worry. This year will be different. And better because we have a few inspiring ideas for you. Did you know that food and love are connected? They trigger the same hormones, like dopamine and norepinephrine, making us feel good.

So we’ve put together a few Valentine’s Day ideas that combine food and romance for some delicious, love-inducing results!

  1. Create intimacy with a delicious M&S cheese & sausage board, and enjoy a romantic movie together.

  2. Feel nostalgic and build a comfy pillow fort, snuggle in with M&S treats and reminisce about when you first met.

  3. Connect by learning something new together such as painting, a dance, cook a new dish, a different video game, etc.

  4. Treat yourselves to a relaxing home spa night along with M&S nibbles.

  5. Have fun and enjoy the fresh air by going on a bike ride. Remember to pack a tasty M&S picnic!

Why not take these ideas a step further and write a thoughtful little note like “I chose this food just for you. Hope it makes you happy”.....?

Make Valentine’s Day romantic, easy and fun this year.

Be ready for the 14th of Feb and order some love-inducing snacks today!

View our online Store!

Love is in the air! We can feel it!

~M&S team

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